A Bit of Honesty

I promised to share the good, the bad, and the dirty, when I began this blog…and here we are. It’s been mostly good, but the past few weeks have been rather real so it’s time to get honest.

My husband began a new job, which required a month-long training in another state. Add that to quarantine life, and this momma became a (temporary) single-parent. Then, we decided to get a new puppy. So, I stopped sleeping through the night. And, top it off with tornado season, which means storms at night?!?! (Why, do they seem to roll down the plain just as I get the kids tucked in bed?)

It was quite a dreary day (cue the depressing music) and my mood had finally hit the fan. I was worn out and beyond feeling alone and overwhelmed. So, I harnessed my inner Sally Clarkson and decided to make scones with faux clotted cream! We can Poetry Tea Time these blues away.

As the clouds grew, and the texts and calls came in from worried family members, I mixed together the flour and sugar. Lovingly, I added dried cranberries and chocolate chips. And, then I managed to burn the batch and smoke up the entire house. (Something was on the pizza stone that caused plumes of smoke to pour out of the oven!!)

My sweet children still ate them and insisted they were good (I tried them….at best, they tasted like a very over-roasted marshmallow. Ugh!)

Later, since my day was going swimmingly, I figured it was the perfect time to give my month-old seedlings some nourishment. I have been starting seeds indoors for my in-town, hobby garden for at least 3 years. So, you would think I should have known better….

Let’s get this out of the way before we go any further. Seedlings don’t need food! The end.

Seedlings simply need a good starter soil, consistent watering, and lots of good light (but not necessarily “real” light.)

I burned each and every one of my sweet baby seedlings. Of course, I instantly knew my foolish error and frantically searched for remedies. I was able to remove the jalapeno plants from the cells, “wash” them off, and replant them in fresh soil. They seem to be surviving, for the time being.

Sometimes, things don’t seem to go right, even in this beautiful country land. Sometimes, I truly make very human mistakes and have to deal with sad consequences. But, it gives me plenty of chances to brush off my wounded pride and try again!