Simple School Daily Rhythm

Let’s start with an introduction, shall we?

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Whether you are new or returning, I hope you are excited for this post (with download attached for YOU!) and that you have a cup of something warm and delicious to accompany you while you read. You can believe I have a steaming mug of black coffee right next to me as I type.

Christmastime Chaos or Peace
Over the years, I have fine-tuned our homeschool year to fit like a favorite pair of jeans. Simple rhythms that flow well and create a mindless transition after a break. Plenty of those strategically planned breaks to allow for rest, travel and large projects around our home and homestead. Our homeschool plan fits us! Not the other way around.

One of the beautiful ways that we make our homeschool plan work for us is intentionally SLOWING things down during the busier times of the year. There is a family member birthday and holiday within the span of one week followed by the quickly filled-to-bursting schedule of Christmastime. Often times, with family living hundreds of miles away, we’ve traveled during the holidays as well. It ends up being a chaotic 6 weeks, if we allow it to take over.

So, many years ago, when a seasoned homeschool mom shared with me this amazing tip, I almost fell over. She said, “Why don’t you just NOT do school in December? Our family hasn’t for years!” The instant relief of giving up the expectation of trying to do it all flooded my heart. I quickly rearranged our school year and haven’t looked back since! (I’ve also tried sharing this simple phrase with my homeschool friends so they too can enjoy the peace of Christmastime without the chaos of schooling on top of the busy schedule.)

What It Looks Like
A typical day during the month of December looks much different than the rest of our school year. We even call it, “Simple School,” but it’s almost too simple to even consider it school. Yet, we are fellowshipping and learning; therefore, we are “schooling.”

Our mornings start either on the couch, or with each child in their rooms (as they get older they prefer the quiet of their space to the communal area,) a cup of something warm–tea, coffee, or hot chocolate– in a cherished mug, and a “bit of something.” (We often borrow this phrase from our favorite storybook bear!) Then, we ease into reading scripture for the days’ Jesse Tree ornament and singing a Christmas hymn or carol, followed by a few pages of reading from whatever book I’ve selected for the year. Over the years, we have read all of the Little House on the Prairie Christmas chapters from the book series, we’ve gone through Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, or various Advent books that have a little story and activity for each day of the month. This year we are reading through, Christmas is Coming: Traditions from Around the World, by Monika Utnik-Strugata.

Once we have finished our readings and singing, we work on a large scripture passage that we’ve been memorizing over the years at Christmastime: Luke 2:1-20. We have the bulk of it memorized, but still need to work on the last few verses. After that, we do something festive and fun! Sometimes, it is an all-day craft or baking project. Other times, it is a daytime outing with friends or an evening looking at Christmas lights. In years past, we have done other activities that correspond with The Kindness Elves. (Think Elf on the Shelf but serving others rather than making messes around the house!) Now that the kids are older, they don’t seem to be as excited about hunting for the elves each morning. We still sprinkle the kindness activities throughout the season, just no longer inspired by “magical elves!”

For the FULL detailed schedule, download the document below. It includes the daily rhythm as well as the reading and activity schedule that go along with Christmas is Coming. Please note that I am sharing this with you to use in your personal home, either with your family or as part of your homeschool. If you share it with friends, please give credit!

Simple School Daily Rhythm DOWNLOAD

Check out what we did for Simple School two years ago: Simple School Rhythm 2020

Watch The Accompanying Video: