Family FAVORITES: 4 GO-TO Chicken Recipes

For the past few years, our family has purchased half of a cow from some local beef farmers. The meat is hands-down way better than store-bought meat! Truly, there is no comparison. Because we always have a freezer full of every cut of beef imaginable, we often eat a lot of beef. Probably 4 or… Continue reading Family FAVORITES: 4 GO-TO Chicken Recipes

Seed Starting Tips & FREE Printable

Each year, I patiently wait for the first days of spring. This lovely, long-awaited change starts somewhere between the end of January and the beginning of March. As we are smack in the middle of land-locked Oklahoma, there is really no rhyme or reason to when the weather shifts. But, when it does, it is… Continue reading Seed Starting Tips & FREE Printable

8 Simple Steps for Creating a Homeschool Plan

The days are drawing closer to the start of a new homeschool year. While I don't have an exact start date in the books, I have just about everything else ready to roll! In my last post, I shared a massive list of books that we plan on using in the upcoming school year. They… Continue reading 8 Simple Steps for Creating a Homeschool Plan