DIY Compost Bin and an Orchard

This weekend, in between soaking my poison ivy covered feet in Epsom salts and enjoying the Springtime sunshine, we got a bit of work accomplished….

We all worked together to create a simple, quick compost area near the (future) garden. Nathan used 2 wood pallets and some scrap wood & screws to create 3 walls. For support, we built the structure around a metal fence post, no longer in use.

All materials were recycled from another project, which meant this project cost nothing, except time (about an hour.)

Once that was complete, we grabbed shovels and a measuring tape to begin planting our mini-orchard. Of course, we consulted Google a few times, too.

The previous owners had planted 1 peach tree in the garden area a few years back. While plenty of fruit tree varieties can be planted alone, they still do better when planted near other fruit trees. So, we added another peach and 2 apple trees.

And, realized we need to remove about 50 cedar trees…..

Apparently, you can’t plant apple trees within a 5 mile radius of cedar trees. But, since all of Oklahoma seems to be covered with them, we will shoot to eliminate the cedars that are directly in the garden area. We have heard that cedars are considered invasive and take a ton of water from the land, so they should be removed from the “usable” field areas.

My inner-tree-hugger self has a hard time with chopping down any trees, so I have an idea of saving the cedar trunks to create log-cabin style raised garden beds. We will probably burn or compost the rest, or attempt to make our own mulch?!

Before the weekend was over, we uncovered the paddle boat and went out on the pond. The kids have spent countless hours, paddling around and playing. (Revolutionary war is one of their favorite “games” and really comes to life on a pond!)

2 thoughts on “DIY Compost Bin and an Orchard”

  1. Your place looks great and it sounds like you guys are loving it. Well, all except the poison ivy part. You guys are all missed.

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