DIY Curtains

We have been working on tying up the loose ends of our renovation project. While it seems as this one week project will never end, it surely has to. Some day, right?!

(Okay, I’ll give you a hint! Phase 1 is actually complete in real time…but I will go back in time so you can “catch up” from the last post! Take a moment to check out our progress from the beginning. )

The previous owner’s of our home graciously left the curtains on the kitchen and living room windows. With the amount of windows we have, they must be covered in the evenings or when the sun is shining “just right” into our eyes! So, naturally, I left the curtains up as long as possible. But, as we moved passed demolition and into renovation, I took the curtains down to paint the trim around the windows and the walls. Once they came down, they never made it back up (they didn’t match the new color scheme!)

We instructed the kids to keep their hands in their pockets, and allowed absolutely no potty breaks, so we could venture out into the world to hunt down some curtains to match our new style. While the store was very much in-stock on curtains (not many people feel the need to remodel right now?!) I just couldn’t wrap my brain around the cost of a single panel. It’s one piece of fabric, y’all, and I needed 6!!! That’s well over $100, just for fabric!

Please note, that I am frugal and hate overspending, especially if I can make it myself! (Yes, I also am very independent!)

My curtain vision was long, white and billowy. The home improvement store didn’t have what I wanted, and what they had was certainly not in my desired price range. And, all other stores were closed!?! (Thanks, corona…)

Then, as I was about to give up hope of covering my windows, I stumbled across these clip rings. I knew I had 1 very large white sheet at home (for the kids to make forts!) and it would possibly cover enough of the front windows until I could get the correct fabric.

I washed, dried and ironed the sheet (it was covered with kid-related smudges, and still has a small bug-shaped puddle of nail polish!)
Then I folded it in half and cut it as evenly as possible. I didn’t hem it, as this is temporary! (And, Lola has another project planned for the 2 halves when they come down.)

The pack came with 10 clips, for about $12. The rod was from the previous curtain and the sheet was free. Less than $15 to keep some privacy in my home!!

Yes, you can see the new colors of the kitchen, but this is all you get for now! Stay tuned for the grand reveal!!

I’d love to know your favorite house hacks! Have a favorite place to buy curtains (when the stores reopen?!) Let me know!