Homeschool Day Hijack

The kids convinced me that we shouldn’t do school today. It’s practically a holiday, and most years we have not done school this entire week for travelling reasons! (The mountains are always calling!)

The oldest baked a box of brownies and the youngest drank his usual warm cup of milk while reading. Reading, check.

They ran off to continue reading a Highlights magazine together, then read the jokes aloud to me while I did a quick sewing project.

Knock, knock… Who’s there….Bacon….Bacon Who?…Just ‘bacon’ a cake for your birthday….

I head to the bathroom to try on the jeans I just hemmed! Success (and yes, a future tutorial!!) They run off to the monster bin of Legos. Math, check. (We are practically halfway done our school day…)

I put on the winkle cream and under-eye cream, making sure to smooth with gentle pressure in an upward motion. And, I grab another cup of coffee. Reply to the texts blowing up my phone, and look at pictures of years gone by. (I love pictures! Especially of people, families, celebrations, holidays..)

I realize I am getting a bit sappy in my old age (of 32…) and think how much I’ve grown over the years. Who I’ve become. How I have learned to stand a bit taller. Act a bit more confidently. Yes, 30’s are much better than 20’s in my book. I wonder what 40’s, 50’s and beyond will be like?! Older, wiser, stronger…

In case you are wondering, we did get dressed up a bit more than normal last night and went out to a local Mexican restaurant for our yearly Margarita on the rocks and sang, “Happy Birthday” to some chica named Blancha wearing a sombrero?!

Of course, before we left, we took the ‘mandatory’ family photos… You know, where we all take turns behind the camera, creating memorable moments that will last forever! We document the heights of those ever-growing children and we record the genuine smiles of love and life.

How do you celebrate in your family? Fancy dinners out or at home? Photo-mementos or videos?