While my husband was out of the country, I decided to make a big change.... I cut off roughly 6 inches of my belly-button-length hair and added that annoyingly infamous side bang "swoosh," as I like to call it. I also, tried out those sticker nail things that are quite the rage. You really can't… Continue reading If I’ve Learned Anything…
A 2020 Drink Recipe to Bring Back You
I know this may sound a bit cliche, but... 2020 was a rough year! Our world has been turned upside down in more ways than one. As a whole, we are dealing with a massive health crisis, political drama, and the harsh reality of loss. No matter how you slice it, loss of anything hurts.… Continue reading A 2020 Drink Recipe to Bring Back You
Handmade Christmas Gift Guide for Simple, Quick Gifts
The purposefully slower days always create marginal space to do the things we don't get to every other day of the year. Crafting, baking, a day in town for shopping, wrapping, dancing, reading, playing in the snow. Yes, over the past few weeks we have had entire days of those simple, special activities. (Even the… Continue reading Handmade Christmas Gift Guide for Simple, Quick Gifts
Simple Breakfast Ideas for Busy Winter Mornings
My favorite morning ritual involves sneaking to the couch in the early hours of the morning to savor the quiet and a steaming mug of coffee. In my attempts to create a peaceful start to the day, I have learned that while a big breakfast is desirable, it isn't always in our best interests. Making… Continue reading Simple Breakfast Ideas for Busy Winter Mornings
Simple School: Daily Rhythm for The Christmas Season
As the temperatures outside begin to drop, the holiday season encroaches and the whole world goes on sale, I have an intense desire to be at home. To purposefully remove myself from the madness and SLOW down. But, if I'm honest and not intentional, being home for a month or so during the holidays can… Continue reading Simple School: Daily Rhythm for The Christmas Season
Welcome to the Slow Season: A Call to Gather
The summer harvest from the garden has all been brought in. A few fall plants remain in the cold ground, covered with a thick blanket of straw. The animals, too, have extra bedding in their outdoor houses to provide additional warmth as the weather takes its yearly dive. We have drastically slowed down on the… Continue reading Welcome to the Slow Season: A Call to Gather
Simple Tomato Skin Removal
Possibly my favorite thing about summer is.....Fresh, ripened on the vine, in the intensely hot sun, TOMATOES! This year, however, I never really had those delicious summer-time tomatoes. I had a few mishaps with my seedlings in the spring. I replanted in the the garden a few times, but had rain issues. When I finally… Continue reading Simple Tomato Skin Removal
Final Garden Harvest of the Summer
The very first piece of advice I recieved about life in Oklahoma was... If you don't like the weather, wait about 30 seconds. It'll change. I was standing in the administration office of the college I had hoped to attend. I thought the lady was joking, exaggerating. Weather changes happen all over the country, even… Continue reading Final Garden Harvest of the Summer
A Farm House Table FAIL
I had been pouring over the online resale ads for weeks, hoping to find a decent table to replace the very cheap and wobbly one sitting in the center of the kitchen in our new home. We were on a tight budget, and I had saved up babysitting money for weeks to justify the "splurge"… Continue reading A Farm House Table FAIL
Easy Roasted Pumpkin Puree
Every time I go grocery shopping, I ask my kids to pick out a fruit and/or vegetable they would like for the week. We've come home with pomegranates and an eggplant, the ever popular summer melon varieties and, at times, excessive amounts of citrus fruit. (One kid was on a lime kick for a while?!)… Continue reading Easy Roasted Pumpkin Puree