After a month of company, a week-long recovery from a shocking experience, and a rather massive life-change around our homestead, I was ready to jump with both feet into October. If only the proverbial turning over a new leaf applied to the physical turning of the calendar page. On the morning of October 1st, I… Continue reading Quick Sourdough Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls
The two jalapeno plants I have in the garden have finally begun producing beautiful, plump, dark green peppers. I have plenty to pickle, chop for a veggie scramble, or to add into a pot of soup (yes, I could eat soup year round!!) I have a fantastic, simple Pickled Jalapeno recipe that you can check… Continue reading Cookie SURPRISE!
Simple Homestead Workout
Last week, I had the privilege of hosting my family on our farm.. Er, homestead... Er, ranch. Whatever, you want to call this place! Anyway, my mom and my 4 teenage (well, 1 is almost a teenager) siblings came for a visit. We had a blast spending time together. It felt almost like summer camp.… Continue reading Simple Homestead Workout
How We Homeschool… Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of the How We Homeschool Series. Through the posts in this series, I will share with you how we got started, what curriculum we use, and how we make education fit our schedule. I am so passionate about educating children at home and would love to answer your questions, if you… Continue reading How We Homeschool… Part 2
How We Homeschool… Part 1
Welcome to Part 1 of the How We Homeschool Series. Through the posts in this series, I will share with you how we got started, what curriculum we use, and how we make education fit our schedule. I am so passionate about educating children at home and would love to answer your questions, if you… Continue reading How We Homeschool… Part 1
Our Thoughts On…. Butcher Day
Did you catch my last post? If you didn't, I'll give you a moment to run and check it out..... It was truly epic! And, hands down a very first for every person in our family. I think it's safe to say this city girl is now a bona-fide country chick! Just in case you… Continue reading Our Thoughts On…. Butcher Day
A Brand New Experience
Over the weekend, our family embarked on a very new adventure! We had our very first chicken butchering day on the farm. (I think we can NOW call it a farm!!) Anyway, I recorded some of the crazy experience. You can check it out here.... As it was our first time ever doing this, we… Continue reading A Brand New Experience
Marinated Cucumber Salad
Our cucumber vines are producing in abundance. Maybe excessive abundance. But who's judging?! Besides, it's not really a bad thing. Unless you run out of recipes.... Cucumbers are a bit prickly (really, actually!) since you can only eat them fresh, marinated(which is another name for pickled..), or pickled. Among the pickle recipes you have a… Continue reading Marinated Cucumber Salad
Uh, I’m A Cucumber
Hands down, the most quoted movie in our house is any of the VEGGIE TALES! You silly little pickle....You silly little pea....Playing with monkeys was the first thing you thought of?!?!Jump really high?? Dad! The robo-pogo!But Bob, they're going to laugh at me.... We have watched almost all of the movies, and a few on… Continue reading Uh, I’m A Cucumber
Easiest Crock-pot Apple Butter
There is a lovely, mature tree on the front of our property that is perfect for climbing. Plenty of wide branches with almost a nest in the center of the trunk. Affectionately, the children named this particular tree, "Book Tree." Not only do they love to run off and read while sitting in this tree,… Continue reading Easiest Crock-pot Apple Butter