Quick Sourdough Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls

After a month of company, a week-long recovery from a shocking experience, and a rather massive life-change around our homestead, I was ready to jump with both feet into October. If only the proverbial turning over a new leaf applied to the physical turning of the calendar page.

On the morning of October 1st, I awake with a deep craving for fall and rhythm. A fresh start and a deep remembering. A longing for a delicious way to savor what is before it all changes again. Of course, this always begins in the kitchen, as I am pouring a piping hot cup of my favorite highly caffeinated coffee into my I’m Meowgical coffee mug. (Yes, I am a creature of weird habits… Let’s move on!)

I rummage through the fridge and baking cabinets only to remember that I am as low on groceries as I am on time…. Too little, not enough, how can I stretch what I have to create more…

I pull out the sourdough and flour, thinking Pancakes!! Always the perfect comfort food…. If you have more than 1 cup of flour… Ok, Biscuits and gravy!! If you have sausage… and biscuits alone are rather depressing. So, I went out on a limb and thought of creating a random recipe with the random tidbits I DID have.

One cup of flour, a bit of sourdough, fall spices… And, ah Yes!! A stick of magical butter hidden in the bottom of the door shelf and a mostly used can of pumpkin. A half used container of cream cheese. VOILA! It hit me….

Sourdough Biscuit Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls with Maple Cream Cheese Icing

First up, make your favorite quick biscuit recipe, with one exception. Instead of salt, add 2 tablespoons of sugar or your sweetener of choice. You can check out my favorite sourdough biscuit recipe here.

**As you are preparing your biscuit ingredients, be sure to preheat your cast iron skillet on the stove, with butter!!**

Instead of flattening dough with hands for cutting biscuits, roll the dough into a rectangle-ish shape.

For the filling, mix together 1/4 cup fresh cooked or canned pumpkin puree, 2 tablespoons maple syrup, 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Spread onto dough and begin rolling on the long side.

Once you have a log shaped roll, begin with cutting off the ragged ends on each side of the roll. Then cut the roll in half, continuing the cuts until you have the amount you like. I prefer 8 thick rolls, but you could easily cut smaller sections to create more rolls. Place into the preheated skillet, if using, or baking dish.

Bake in a 400o oven for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

As the rolls cool, prepare the Maple Cream Cheese topping. Blend together 1 block of cream cheese, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup (more or less to taste,) and a splash of leftover coffee.

Spoon the topping on the cinnamon rolls just before serving.

Happy Fall!!