Simple Tomato Skin Removal

Possibly my favorite thing about summer is…..Fresh, ripened on the vine, in the intensely hot sun, TOMATOES!

This year, however, I never really had those delicious summer-time tomatoes. I had a few mishaps with my seedlings in the spring. I replanted in the the garden a few times, but had rain issues. When I finally had some tomato seeds sprout, it was very late spring. Our first harvest was at the end of summer. (Not long before our first major freezing rain storm.)

What little tomatoes I was able to gather, were destined to become sauce. They are Roma tomatoes, a variety with a lower water content that tends to make a thicker sauce, and requires less reduction time on the stove. YES, please!

In years past, I have skipped a very important step when making tomato sauce or salsa. Now, that I have learned this simply trick, I know it is a must-share!

How to Remove Tomato Skins

Now, I know this really isn’t novel or rocket science. But, it is life changing. (Especially if you’ve had to gulp down tomato skins in your salsa.)

First up, prepare your work space! You need a pot of boiling water, a bowl of ice water, and a knife and cutting board. A towel, hot pad, tongs, or other items to prevent you from touching boiling water or hot tomatoes is very helpful!

Let’s get to work…

Begin by scoring tomatoes with an “x” at the bottom.

Gently drop tomatoes into the pot boiling water. Make sure the stove is off for this step, and take care not to splash the hot water!

Allow the tomatoes to sit in the water for 30-60 seconds. (Test one at 30 to determine to the correct length of time for your batch of tomatoes.)

Then, move the tomatoes to the ice water bowl using tongs or a slotted spoon.

Allow the tomatoes to sit in the ice bath for at least 30 seconds, or until you they are cool enough to handle.

Remove from ice water and easily peel the skins off the tomatoes!

Now, your skinless tomatoes are ready for sauce, salsa or soup! Happy cooking!