An Old-Fashion Way to Preserve Milk without Refrigeration

A few weeks ago, we took a week-long break from dairy, meat, and caffeine. This was on top of an on-going sugar detox (total length of no sugar was 3 weeks.) Because we buy milk from a local dairy farm each week, and want to be consistent in our support of local small businesses, we… Continue reading An Old-Fashion Way to Preserve Milk without Refrigeration

A Birthday Celebration

When the children were little, we had huge parties! Themes of their choice, all the decorations and plenty of friends to create many memorable celebrations. But, as the kids got older, and my homeschooling duties increased, I realized that planning large playdate-style, ultra-theme parties were becoming less and less appealing. I no longer was enjoying… Continue reading A Birthday Celebration

Homemade Yogurt

If I haven't mentioned it before, our family likes to eat....A LOT! Food planning, prepping, and consuming takes up a good portion of our day. Which, is fine, since we already stay home most of the time (before it was mandated...) About two years ago, I decided there were a few regularly bought prepared food… Continue reading Homemade Yogurt