Handmade Christmas Gift Guide for Simple, Quick Gifts

The purposefully slower days always create marginal space to do the things we don't get to every other day of the year. Crafting, baking, a day in town for shopping, wrapping, dancing, reading, playing in the snow. Yes, over the past few weeks we have had entire days of those simple, special activities. (Even the… Continue reading Handmade Christmas Gift Guide for Simple, Quick Gifts

Simple Breakfast Ideas for Busy Winter Mornings

My favorite morning ritual involves sneaking to the couch in the early hours of the morning to savor the quiet and a steaming mug of coffee. In my attempts to create a peaceful start to the day, I have learned that while a big breakfast is desirable, it isn't always in our best interests. Making… Continue reading Simple Breakfast Ideas for Busy Winter Mornings

Welcome to the Slow Season: A Call to Gather

The summer harvest from the garden has all been brought in. A few fall plants remain in the cold ground, covered with a thick blanket of straw. The animals, too, have extra bedding in their outdoor houses to provide additional warmth as the weather takes its yearly dive. We have drastically slowed down on the… Continue reading Welcome to the Slow Season: A Call to Gather