Wild Cat Whisperer

I will admit…ok, I’m second guessing this as I type… But, here goes. My husband and I watched the Netflix show Tiger King, not too long ago. We were beyond baffled and, believe me when I say, I covered my eyes several times! Do not watch this show with your family.

We were truly shocked that this all took place while we lived in Oklahoma. Did that guy really run for Governor?! How did we miss that?? Who knows?! (or we just really never watch the news…)

Anyway, moving to the real story. We have this friend who graciously offered us a kitten, “If you can catch it…” Challenge accepted.

We were really wanting to get a buddy (& a potential mate!) for our new kitten, Susan, so we figured it was worth a shot. The kittens were under their shed, and we all know a spare hot dog will get them out…

It took several attempts, and the crowd went wild when my crazy, amazing husband caught the kitten bare-handed. Take that Tiger King. I’m certain feral kittens are worse than tigers. Maybe?!

Then, we borrowed some gloves and a cat carrier to take this wild thang home. (When I was a kid, some friends had a plastic cat alarm clock that sang that song! It’s quite fitting, actually.)

My brave man coaxed the scared kitty out of the carrier with bacon and a bit of brute force. Figured out it was a boy!! Yes!! And moved him into a dog kennel inside the chicken coop, for his own protection. Or maybe to protect the puppies?!

Thankfully, Tom Vader stayed still long enough to get a few Welcome-To-The-Farm photos. It’s kind of my new thing. Kitten Photography! Isn’t he the cutest?! Awwww….

Just kidding. He’s vicious. I assumed bacon would cure this lil’ guy, but no. He still thinks we are the enemy….

After a day, we put Susan’s kennel outside near Tom’s kennel. And once he stopped hissing at her, we put the kittens in the same kennel. (They are in a very large dog kennel inside the chicken coop so that the puppies can’t get too near. If you have tips on training puppies to be friendly to kittens, please let me know!) The cats are now getting along so well!

Daily, Nathan spends about 20 minutes playing with the kittens, feeds them and holds Tom. It only took about 2 days before Tom allowed us all to be near him, and occasionally pet him. He still does not like to be picked up. Because we want him to become loving, Nathan still picks the kitten up anyway, and tries to cuddle him. This process may take several weeks, but we are hopeful that Tom will become a loving cat. (Or at least, loving to humans…)

I think, by now, you must know my love for all things cats! (I may be a little like someone else from that show, haha!!) Please tell me your cat stories! I would love to hear them!