Garden Fresh Kale Chips

Over the years of learning to enjoy new foods and, especially new veggies, I found that my number one favorite vegetable is KALE! (It was even my Intsagram name for several years…)

I’ve even learned to grow this delicious and healthy green in the garden during the spring and fall months. It really is a simple garden staple! But, you have to actually plant it for it to grow. (Who knew?!)

I mentioned how I killed my seedlings , including my beautiful kale variety mix I had ordered from Annie’s Heirloom seeds. Because I missed that optimal planting window, I could not really replant the kale seeds. Which, broke my heart!!!! Until….

Some new friends mentioned that the community garden was growing plenty of kale. All you have to do is go pick it! What?! How amazing is that? A garden in the middle of my new country town, that grows fruit and veggies, and you can pick them! Of course, we checked it out.

The kids hunted in the strawberry patch while I gathered greens! We ended up with a shopping bag full of a variety lettuces and kale. Then, we headed home to make our favorite kale recipe…

Kale Chips

Remove stems from kale. Roughly chop leaves in half if they are large.

Soak kale in a bowl or sink of cold water and a splash of vinegar. The sediment from the leaves will fall to the bottom.

Remove the kale and shake. Lay on a kitchen towel to dry.

Once the leaves are dry, lay the kale on a baking sheet. I always use a Sil-Pat when making these to keep the tender leaves from sticking to the pan.

Then, drizzle the leaves with oil of your choice. Sprinkle with salt, and massage.

Bake leaves until crispy. (About 15 minutes on 400.)

How do you Kale?!