Just Days Before Christmas….

A Germy Little Poem
Just days before Christmas
And inside my house,
A kid is sneezing and coughing
and resting on the couch.

A fever is raging
Making their head so hot
I’m using all the herbal remedies
and essential oils that I’ve got.

While this takes place
A winter wonderland is outside
An arctic tundra, blowing snow,
Wind chills on a subzero slide.

Now back to the holiday preparations
Baking, wrapping and magic-making,
Prayers for seasonal germs to subside,
Mucus to clear and bodies to stop aching.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Germ-free Night!

New Year, New Health?
While the flow for this original poem follows closely to a well-known classic, the sentiment is all mine and based on very real events. For some reason, this year has been full of more germs than most for our family. We are ready to turn over to a brand-new calendar year, hoping the literal turning of a page becomes a symbolic representation of ending our germiest year.

We have managed to get COVID and the flu in the same year, all while dealing with other minor illnesses, colds, stomach bugs and even a round of pink eye. It has been years, maybe since the kids were small, since we have had so many germy days.

Thankfully, we have had plenty of healthy remedies and essential oils to help us recover. While I am a full natural-FIRST proponent, I still believe that the medical community has a rightful place in germ management. For example, one of my kids managed to get poison ivy all over their face, and right up around their eyes. We quickly made our way to the urgent care for whatever medicinal recommendations they gave.

Still, my go-to “Germ Protocol” remains the same and is the first thing I do each time anyone in my family presents with symptoms of illness. (This protocol doesn’t really work for poison ivy, as that has its own set of topical and internal treatments, that I will share another time!)

The very first thing I do when someone seems to be starting with a new germ-bug in our house, is ask for a list of symptoms. This of course doesn’t “cure” the person, but it gives me a good idea of how to fine-tune the treatment, tailoring it specifically to the person and the list of ailments. (For example, treating a cold vs. treating COVID tends to be slightly different as there is a different list of symptoms for each.)

  1. Essential Oils: The very first treatment for the ailing person is a slathering of anti-viral essential oils along the spine, feet and around the ears and down the neck. This often includes Frankincense, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Lemon, and Clove. These oils are diluted prior to being rubbed in the mentioned areas either with almond, jojoba or olive oil. Also, oils go into a diffuser and placed in close proximity to the sick “couch” where the person is resting. Peppermint oil is used both topically and in a diffuser for treating coughs and fevers.
  2. Vitamins: Next up, the sick one is started on a strict regimen of vitamins that recurs several times throughout the day (or days of illness.) The vitamins include C, D3, Zinc, and a daily multivitamin (this one is only taken once each day.) The vitamins we buy are often in capsules that are mixed into applesauce or a smoothie and add to the health benefits due to the nutritional nature of those foods.
  3. Herbs & Spices: Either in capsule form (see above) or in homemade tincture form, this category of healing herbs and spices are vital in returning a body to health. These include elderberry, Echinacea, ginger, and oregano. Sometimes the herbs are added to the vitamin mixture mentioned in #2 or consumed in either #5 or #6. We have found that stronger tasting tinctures, like oregano tincture or fire cider vinegar, are best concealed in soups.
  4. Homeopathic Medicines: Depending on the ailment, the sickling will receive a corresponding homeopathic remedy. For colds, the go-to is Umcka or Zicam. For treating flu or Covid viruses, the homeopathic option is Oscillococcinum, made by Boiron. These three have been the best ones we used repeatedly over the years. Earlier this year, we also used a Pink Eye Relief by Similasan that worked very well too!
  5. Teas & Fluids: I often become a broken record as I constantly repeat, “Drink til it’s annoying!” It really is annoying to continue drinking and using the restroom when not feeling well, but it is very beneficial to stay hydrated. We often use herbal teas with antiviral or other healing benefits. Ginger tea, made simply by simmering chopped ginger for 15 minutes, is a powerhouse for its antiviral and antispasmodic qualities. (The simple meaning to that is it kills viruses and eliminates coughing!) Peppermint tea is great for soothing coughs and reducing stomach upsets.
  6. Healthy Meals: Not long after I begin treating a sick person, I quickly get a pot of soup going using whatever meaty bones and vegetables that I have on hand. Often, it involves chicken or beef, onions, garlic, carrots and celery. Of course, I also add plenty of healing herbs and spices, plus a hearty spoonful of homemade fire cider once it is finished cooking. Another thing we try to do while dealing with germs is completely avoid anything with sugar. Teas are only sweetened with honey, or maple syrup if that is what we have.

It often doesn’t take long for a sick person to kick the germs to the curb! During this time of year, I try to keep all of the above-mentioned items on stock so we are not scrambling to gather the items once someone gets sick (Or, of course, so others can care for me if I get sick!)

Some other Healing Posts:
Another Healing Journey: GAPS Diet
A Garden-Fresh Tea: Meadow Tea
Apple Cider Vinegar: A Remedy and Tea