Hey friends! I have a fun and healthy drink recipe for you. Check it out over on my YouTube channel! In case you just need the recipe, here it is.... Apple Cider Vinegar TeaSteep really strong tea of your choice. (I used Cinnamon Apple Spice from Celestial Seasonings, YUM!) To do this, you simply… Continue reading Apple Cider Vinegar Iced Tea
Garden Fresh Kale Chips
Over the years of learning to enjoy new foods and, especially new veggies, I found that my number one favorite vegetable is KALE! (It was even my Intsagram name for several years...) I've even learned to grow this delicious and healthy green in the garden during the spring and fall months. It really is a… Continue reading Garden Fresh Kale Chips
Tick Removal Hack
Ticks are GROSS! But so is tick spray. What's a momma to do? We could spend days debating the pros and cons of using a commercial tick spray. We, also, could spend hours searching for and making homemade recipes that typically don't work, or work for only a very short period of time. When we… Continue reading Tick Removal Hack
Another Addition
In the past 8 months I've had three more puppies than I can possibly handle, and have been anxiously awaiting the day when I could get another... KITTEN!!!! Let's just be clear on something, puppies are cute. They are trainable (this may be debatable...) And, at least one of our puppies is finally showing occasional… Continue reading Another Addition
Vanilla Honey Cream-Sicles
Here in Oklahoma, we have a few seasons: Winter which lasts about 2 months. Spring that lasts from the end of March to the beginning of April. And, SUMMER that takes up the rest of the year. The temps go from freezing to a short reprieve of ideal to dripping hot! Ok, sure we have… Continue reading Vanilla Honey Cream-Sicles
Wild Edibles
The trend lately is leaning toward hunting for food in your own backyard! Foraging. As a city girl, I've always been a bit VERY skeptical about eating things that aren't "garden grown." Yes, I see the irony in this as wild edibles are in fact grown in the ground just as any garden veggie or… Continue reading Wild Edibles
Beauty in The Muck
So much of the news right now is ugly and destructive. The world seems to be falling apart because of the chaos. Turn on the news (I don't!) and all you hear about is the pain. The death. The horror of it all. Yes, we should honor those who are suffering, and even those working… Continue reading Beauty in The Muck
"So, what have you been up to?""We've been busy around the farm!""What all is keeping you busy?""Farm chores!" This may be the never-ending story of my life. There is always something to be done around the property. Grass to mow on repeat. Trees to cut down. Wood to haul and stack. Feed the herd (by… Continue reading
A Bit of Honesty
I promised to share the good, the bad, and the dirty, when I began this blog...and here we are. It's been mostly good, but the past few weeks have been rather real so it's time to get honest. My husband began a new job, which required a month-long training in another state. Add that to… Continue reading A Bit of Honesty
Crafting To Keep the Crazies Away- Part 2
I am going to admit something.... I have the appropriate elastic to make the things that everyone is talking about lately. (If you really need it, let me know and I'd be glad to mail it to you.) And I actually made a few of those things, and took pictures to share how to do… Continue reading Crafting To Keep the Crazies Away- Part 2