Some Things I’ve Learned: A Hands-On Intro to Woodstoves

Our 1970's ranch-style home came with an similarly dated woodstove. Upon first sight, I assumed we would quickly remove the eyesore and revert the fireplace back into its original use. Yet, when the previous homeowner stopped by a few days after closing to show us how to use and maintain the stove, we affirmed that… Continue reading Some Things I’ve Learned: A Hands-On Intro to Woodstoves

Tick Removal Hack

Ticks are GROSS! But so is tick spray. What's a momma to do? We could spend days debating the pros and cons of using a commercial tick spray. We, also, could spend hours searching for and making homemade recipes that typically don't work, or work for only a very short period of time. When we… Continue reading Tick Removal Hack

Weekends are for Working

The weekend was filled with plenty of projects around the "farm" (we are trying out this title.) Of course, we had time for fun, plenty of time spent together and a half-day spent out and about. Here's what we did.... Our weekends start with Friday, if I'm being fully honest. We only have a 4-day… Continue reading Weekends are for Working