Weekends are for Working

The weekend was filled with plenty of projects around the “farm” (we are trying out this title.) Of course, we had time for fun, plenty of time spent together and a half-day spent out and about. Here’s what we did….

Our weekends start with Friday, if I’m being fully honest. We only have a 4-day school week, and by golly, we all benefit from having that extra day without a rigid schedule. So, I mentioned in this post how we kicked off our weekend with a trip to town. Most weeks, we head to town on Thursday after we finish school, ya know, to start the weekend as early as possible! After the trip to town, the kids helped with measuring the future garden site, so I could finalize my plans.

Saturday morning, while sipping coffee on our “morning date” (that precious hour after the puppies wake up, but before the children do,) we began discussing some early spring projects. I proudly got out my massive 3+ year garden plan sketch to show my hubs, and we knew it was time to hit the ground running. Yesterday. I whipped up a very quick breakfast hash (eggs, bacon, & sweet potatoes!!!) and we headed to our various projects.

I headed to the garden plot to start removing trees. With a hand saw. As in no power! But, I did have two little helpers off and on, and we accomplished a ton! (And have tons more to do!!)

Nathan began disassembling the playground that the children do not use. (They made quite a fuss over it, but they spend very little time on the structure. Their playground of choice: the stream, the creek, the ‘Dead Valley‘… more on that later! Point is, they don’t play on the actual playground and the wood would be used better for another project.)

The next day, Sunday, we headed to church, then to the big town about 20 minutes away. We stopped at Lowe’s to price kitchen counters, flooring, and dog house materials. We also needed to do some sneaky Valentine’s day shopping (No, we don’t do the commercial hype, but we all love chocolate!)

The afternoon turned cold and rainy, so we finished up the weekend with homemade pizza, sourdough cheesy bread sticks and fresh guacamole. We all made it to bed at a decent hour, and I thought we got good sleep….

Until Monday rolled around. Not sure what was going on, but emotions were high and we needed several breaks during the school morning. Valentine’s crafting (it looked like Cupid threw up in the dining room), eating, and time spent outside. Still, the math books were out to get us, so we closed them up, grabbed some homemade popsicles & sang our hearts out with Bob and Larry, and Celine.

Some days just don’t work out the way we hope. Some do! But the beauty of homeschooling and doing life together as a family unit allows for such freedom in making the schedule fit us, not the other way around.