Two of a Kind: A Fall Flavored Syrup and A Latte Recipe

In an effort of being completely honest, I will admit… that I drink a lot of coffee. As in, a LOT! of coffee each day. Now, there is no need to point fingers, add labels, or disclose the exact amount of liquid energy that I consume on a daily basis, lest you think I am a risk to the greater public. I promise, I’m not. Just please set down that coffee cup and no one will get hurt! (Kidding. Well, sort of.)

Anyway, while I certainly love a simple, steaming cup of traditionally brewed coffee in the morning, I occasionally enjoy mixing things up a bit. And, sometimes, I like to go a little on the wild side with my daily caffeine consumption. I have tried the Dalgona coffee, which is the whipped instant coffee dolloped luxuriously on a glass of cold milk. This is such a fancy way to enjoy cold coffee on a hot summer day. But now that it is getting colder out, a hot drink is much more desirable.

Of course the most obvious Fall go-to drink is (let’s say it all together) PSL, or the Pumpkin Spice Latte. This is a “classic” chilly weather must try, and if you do, I urge you to make it at home with real pumpkin, your favorite sweetener and your favorite combo of Pumpkin Pie Spices. You can either use a base of warmed milk or warmed milk and a shot of strong coffee or espresso. Delicious!

But, goodness we are living in a post-2020 world and we need to spread our wings a little. Try new flavors. Maybe?! Ok, well if you can handle it, let’s keep going….

I had purchased a bottle of local bourbon to make a homemade “cough” syrup, but the recipe didn’t require that much bourbon. So, I started thinking what else I could do with the rest of the bottle. The cough syrup smelled like a rum cake I can remember eating as a child, so started there. A bourbon-syrup drenched cinnamon-apple cake that was a scrumptious fall treat. Then, I used some of the syrup to soak raisins for an apple pie. And, maybe I was hooked. I don’t even like raisins. (Or bourbon, really.)

At this point, I started wondering if this delicious syrup would make a fabulous latte… And, you know what?? It did!!

Vanilla-Bourbon Syrup
Start by mixing 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water in a medium sauce pan. Cook over medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.

At this point you have 2 options, one remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool slightly before adding 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of high-quality bourbon. This will not cook the alcohol, which can be of advantage if you are treating an ailment.
The other option you have is add the bourbon and vanilla extract, and continue to cook the syrup for another two to three minutes, making sure to allow it to come to a boil. Because I didn’t need the “medicinal” qualities of the bourbon, and because I figured the kids would want to share, I cooked out the alcohol.

This syrup can be used on cakes, in pies, in whipped cream or in a latte recipe! I’d love to hear how you use it!

Vanilla-Bourbon Latte
Start by brewing a strong cup of coffee, Moka coffee or an espresso shot. Then, warm milk to about 180 degrees. Be sure not to burn or boil the milk. Add the milk to a French Press or use a milk frother to create a traditional milk foam for the top of your latte. (The frothing step is optional, but so “fancy!”)
To a cup add the Vanilla- Bourbon syrup from above, then add strong coffee. Stir well. Top with warmed milk and milk foam.

How to Make MOKA Coffee
Check out this video for a step-by-step tutorial to make Moka Coffee at home. Moka coffee is a super strong coffee that is often compared to a shot of espresso. While it is not espresso, it does fill those shoes nicely when trying to make a budget latte at home!


Vanilla-Bourbon Syrup

A delicious syrup for cakes, pies, or lattes!


  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2 tbsp Bourbon high quality, local if possible


  • Combine sugar and water in a medium size sauce pan. Cook over medium heat until sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes.
  • Add vanilla and bourbon to pan, stir well. Continue to cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cool before use.