Summer Sourdough Series: Part 1

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I know what you may be thinking.. “Summer” and “sourdough” don’t typically go together in the same sentence. And while that may very well be true, I also tend to be one to go against the flow.

Now, let me tell you what I will not be including in this series…. Bread. The typical, winter-ful, warm and cozy, put some fluff around your waistline slice of delicious bread. (Ok, come back winter!!) A gorgeous and tangy loaf of sourdough bread has a fabulous place at the table all winter long, but by the time we hit mid-spring planting season, there is simply no time for making bread.

Also, in this series I will not be explaining how to make a sourdough starter. While I do believe summer is a great time to start making one, as the temperatures are warmer in the kitchen, for this series I will assume you already have a sourdough starter going. And if you don’t? Never fear I will post a link at the bottom of this paragraph and this post so you can get started!
To make a sourdough starter, follow the steps in this post: The Starter

Okay, now for the FUN stuff… What will I be going over in this four-part series?
1. Sourdough Flatbread (Keep reading!! It’s just below this section in this post!!)
2. Summer Berry Fritters
3. Dutch baby
4. A Super special Collaboration with my Handy Hubby!!
Be sure to check back each week for the links to each recipe! Note that part 1 is in this post so it will not have a link.

Sourdough Flatbread
This recipe takes minimal prep, as we are busy busy in the summer! Also, the starter can be taken out of the fridge about an hour or so before you plan to make this delish summer staple.
Once the starter has been removed from the fridge, add equal parts water and flour to create enough “batter” for your flatbread, and allow to sit on the counter for at least an hour. For our family of four, I use about 3 cups of starter per time.
At this time, if I know I have other work to do, I will also preheat my oven and cast iron griddle. This step should be done at least 30 minutes before baking. (And you can skip this step, by simply cooking your flatbread on the stove.)

Because the starter has only had an hour to sour, it will not be as tangy, which makes it a perfect carrier for any flavor you wish to add. Mix in a variety of dried or fresh herbs, garlic or onion powder, spices, etc… Don’t forget a bit of salt and pepper to round out the flavors. Stir well.

Just before you are about to bake (or cook, see above!) add olive oil to your cast iron skillet or griddle. Then, pour the sourdough onto the heated pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes on each side. This produces a chewier flatbread. To make it crispier, turn up the heat! Bake at 450 for about 5-6 minutes on each side.
Another variation, is to make smaller “pancake” sized flatbreads (which also makes flipping them much easier!)

Once the flatbread is finished, carefully remove from the oven and place on a cutting board. Cut into wedges or slices, and fight off the hands that constantly sneak pieces before dinner. Serve alongside a bowl of soup (all the year-round soup-eaters, raise your hand๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ) or….. add some cheese for a simple, kid-approved “grilled cheese sandwich.”

Happy feasting, my friends!


Sourdough Flatbread

A simple summer-time bread that takes minimal prep and is sure to complete any meal.
Prep Time 1 hour 5 minutes
Cook Time 16 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 21 minutes
Servings 4
Author Ashley


  • 1 tbsp Olive oil for pan
  • 2-4 tbsp Herbs or spices
  • 3 cups Sourdough Starter, fed


  • One hour before baking, remove sourdough starter from refrigerator. Add equal parts flour and water, about 1 1/2 cups of each. Do not discard or remove any starter. Allow to sit on the counter until ready to use.
  • Preheat oven and cast iron skillet. If cooking the flatbread on a stovetop, preheat pan about 10 minutes before cooking.
  • Pour about 3 cups of starter into a large measuring cup or bowl. Add in herbs, spices and salt and pepper. Mix well.
  • Add oil to pan, and pour sourdough onto the pan. Use a spoon or spatula to spread starter, so it is about 1/4 inch thick.
  • Bake at 350o for 8 minutes, then flip and bake another 8 minutes.
  • Cool and slice.


*This recipe assumes the cast iron pan has been cleaned and reseasoned after the last use. If not, take the time to do this before using for this recipe.

A Few Important Links

To make a sourdough starter: The Starter
My all-time favorite sourdough recipe: Sourdough Biscuits
The best pan for this recipe &how to use it: Cast Iron Skillets